My Fuel

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

 So this ride is going to take a lot out of me!  I am expecting to be on the bike between 8-10 hours every single day for 30 days, no rests.  That is a ton of calories burned.  I would say at least 2000 per day, and that is not factoring in the after burn, or, the rate my metabolism will increase and burn calories like crazy, even while I sleep.  So, to keep myself at the highest level of performance throughout this ride (with a good deal of expected performance decrease), I will have to be eating/fueling on a non-stop basis throughout the journey.  The worst part about this though, is that I will probably not be wanting to eat so much.  This will happen for a couple reasons:  One, I will not want to feel weighed down, or bloated or anything like that while sitting on the bike.  Two, while in the middle of constant motion, one usually does not have the desire to consume solid food.  I figured this out a couple years back when training for my ultra marathon.  I began to carry snacks with me on my long runs to train myself to run with additional weight and pockets, as well as try to force things down my throat while I was moving.  The first day ended with a couple dry heaves and a very sick feeling in my stomach and legs for a couple days.  I did, however adapt, and was able to suck down all sorts of wonderful things during my 12 hour run/trek through the woods that day.

So, seeing how I will be doing all day rides, every day, I will need to be getting a LOT of food into my system.  Here is the official list of fuel I will be carrying with me at all times:

2 gallons water
1 large water bottle on bike
1 small water bottle on bike
1  2-leter blatter in backpack
25 PaleoKits
45 PaleoTreats
4 cans tuna
1 bag bread/wraps
1 large bag trail mix
1 large bag dried mango
2 large bags turkey jerkey
1 bag baby carrots
1 bag mixed raw veggies (peppers, broccoli, cucumber, celery etc.)
7 instant oatmeals
1 large bag GNC brand whey protein (chocolate/caramel flavor)
10 cliff builders bars
14 cliff roks (little protain balls from cliff bar)
1 bag electrolite mix (to mix in w/ water)
Probably a good selection of cookies (I love peanut butter/chocolate cookies!!!)

While this is what i plan to have, I am sure there will be a couple other things that find their way into my pack.  The main thing with this list is that everything is easy to pack into a smaller space.  I can't have things that may go bad quickly, and I can't have things that need to stay separated from others.  I just need fuel that I can stuff into a small space, and then stuff into my mouth when I need it.  Another point to make is that I may be stopping here and there for a sit down meal.  I know there will be a place to eat here and there, and I welcome a nice warm meal every now and again, especially if that meal looks like a nice egg white omelet with turkey sausage!  I do plan to try to keep everything I eat balanced.  So instead of just aimlessly throwing things into my mouth as I ride, I will actually have a base system I will be following.  I must mention however, that this system is sure to be skewed as I go.  I am expecting nothing but the unexpected on this adventure.

My fuel schedule (not to be confused with my daily schedule, to be posted next!):
  1. oatmeal, prtein drink, fruit
  2. protein bar/drink/roks, veggies, fruit
  3. nuts, fruit veggies
  4. PaleoKit
  5. tuna, bread/wrap veggies, fruit, nuts
  6. protein bar/drink/roks, veggies, fruit
  7. PaleoKit, Paleo Treat
  8. tuna/chicken, bread/wrap veggies, nuts
  9. protein drink/roks, nuts, veggies, fruit
  10. Paleo Treat
This is a skeleton mind you.  But the idea is that I am consuming some good protwin constantly, and just inhaling good carbohydrates along the way.  You can see the amount of fruit I'll be taking in as well.  The goal is to get sugars, good natural sugars, into my system on a constant basis.  I don;t drink coffee, but I may reconsider along the way.  Tea will probably be a pregular part of my daily fuel though, I am sure of that.

For those of you curious as to what PaleoKits and Paleo Treats are, just click on them and check 'em out.  They are awesome. While I am one to argue like crazy the science behind the whole Paleo Diet concept, I can not argue against the performance gains I have seen in CrossFitters on that plan, and the fact is, some great meals can be made, and perect travle snacks are put together like these. 

So that's the basic plan.  Eat often, eat balanced, and try to keep up with my netabolism so I don't bonk, or lose too much weight (I am actually exopecting to lose up to 12 or more piunds on this ride...).  Next post will be a base idea of what a day will look like.

Never Stop, GET FIT.

Josh Courage