A Demoralizing Realization

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Today had a tough realization I had to overcome.  When Lindsey asked me to try to figure out where I might be on a couple specific dates, I started to break down my route to figure out where I could be.

First off, I found that the entire journey, as mapped, is 3779 miles in total.  This means that I need to get 125.96 miles per day.  Also, with two separate climbs above 11,500 feet, I know that this average is going to be damn hard.  The tough part was when I was goofing with the new google maps bicycle stuff, and they had all kinds of routes that were between 3000 and 3300 miles long.  So I just got bummed out like crazy.  Why did I have to ride so damn long?  How the hell am I supposed to ride 126 miles every day for 30 straight days?

Well folks.  This is that exciting time before a huge event where one begins to doubt ones preparation and abilities.  I had this before my first marathon, before my first ultra, before my jiu-jitsu tourney and before my first tri.  Why would I not get it now?  This is by far the toughest thing I have attempted, and what I mean by that is that there is more risk involved with this than anything I have ever done.  But while I am nervous, scared, worried and overwhelmed; I am also extremely excited.  This is so cool!  I am about to embark on a 30-day journey where I really, honestly have no clue what night happen.

So, with just over a week before I head out west to get ready for this thing, I will embrace these doubts, these worries and fears, and I will harness the knowledge that my body can do pretty much anything I ask it to do.  It is always my mind that holds me back

Getting ready to ride!

Josh Courage