Last Day East

Sunday, March 28, 2010

This weekend was a bit of a blur to me as I look back at it.  I distracted myself from the stresses of packing and planning by competing in the CrossFit Games VA/DC Sectionals, and distracted myself from the nervousness of the Sectionals by worrying about my ride.  All in all however, it was a great weekend.  I was able to hold my own against 160 male competitors and finish 8th, securing a spot in the Regionals in May.

But the brutal reality stood waiting for me when I returned from the wonderful celebration feast myself and about 14 others shared.  I have to complete my packing, wake up at 5am tomorrow morning , and fly out to San Francisco, super sore body and all.  The ride begins on Thursday!

So yes, the fact is, I just completing a grueling 4 workouts in 2 days, beat my body to a wonderful pulp, and now I will focus on recovering in four days so that I can be ready for about 126 miles per day.  Every day.  For 30 days straight.  From below sea level.  To just under 12,000 feet.  The winds of Kansas.  And I am sure, plenty of rain. 

I am being totally honest when I say this to you.  I am SO EXCITED!

My big bag is packed, my food is packed, all needed equipment is almost packed (I am writing on the computer after all, and need to edit up the videos from the Sectionals), and as far as I can tell, I am ready to go from here.  I still have a tone of planning to do once I am out in San Fran.  I have a bunch more equipment to purchase, food to get, test out the trailer, rest, rest some more, and eat.  A lot.

I am ready for this.  I live for this sort of thing.  I am so grateful Lindsey will be out there for the first week, it will be a huge help to have another person around for a little bit of this journey.  And of course, if you or anyone you know lives along the route, please cpome on out and join in for a bit.  Or just give me a wave and a high five.  When logging hours of slow, monotonous moevemnt, a simple smile can keep you going for a couple hours.

Getting close now!

Josh Courage